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Seller Information Form
After reviewing the closing information and closing process pages on our website, please provide the following information:

PLEASE NOTE:  If there is only one owner of the property being sold, but the owner is married, please include owner's spouse information as "Seller #2" as, in most cases, the seller's spouse will have to sign the deed as well.

Please let us know whether you have a loan that is secured by the property.  If so, we will contact you to obtain appropriate authorizations and information to obtain the payoff(s).

Please let us know how you would prefer to receive your proceeds:

(we will send a proceeds form with your seller documents to complete at closing.)

Oak Island Office:

8505 E. Oak Island Dr., Suite #2

Oak Island, NC 28465

(910) 278-6165

Carolina Beach Office:

1328 N. Lake Park Blvd., Suite #108C

Carolina Beach, NC 28428

(910) 420-4381

Please note:  Transmission of the information and material herein is not intended to create, and receipt does not constitute, an agreement to create an attorney-client relationship with Johnson & Moore, P.A.  And, the information provided on this website is intended for general information purposes only and is not intended as professional advice and should not be construed as such.

Johnson & Moore, P.A. Copyright 2019.  All rights Reserved. 

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