Attorneys at Law

J&M Closing Process
Pre-signing services are available upon request - J&M will gladly provide in-person, email or telephone consultation for preparation or review of your proposed Offer to Purchase before signing and presentation to the seller.
Agent or client delivers a signed Offer to Purchase to J&M for closing.
J&M makes an initial client contact via telephone or email making an initial introduction and inviting client to visit the J&M website to review Closing Process and Information and to complete the online Buyer Information Form.
Buyer reviews Closing Information on the J&M website and contacts J&M with any follow-up questions.
Buyer completes and submits the Buyer Information Form on J&M website.
Buyer engages surveyor, inspectors, lender, etc. to complete during due diligence period.
Home inspections
Pest inspection
Loan approval
J&M conducts title search and sends title work to the lender and J&M 10 Pt. Title Summary to the Buyer.
Buyer maintains close contact with lender to insure that lender has everything it needs from the Buyer in order to proceed to close.
Final amount to bring to close provided to the Buyer approximately 10 days before closing for cash transactions and 1-3 days before closing for loan transactions (time frame depends on the lender).
The Closing.
Buyer signs documents either remotely or in person.
Attorney updates title to make sure no intervening liens or conveyances.
Attorney records the deed & deed of trust.
Attorney disburses funds and releases keys.
Buyer changes over utilities.